Step motor control unit БУШД-М1 by JSC "Izmeritel"
The block БУШД-М1 is designed for working as a part of stationary control dispenses. These devices are used in the systems, which allow providing automatic control of the gas turbine power drives of gas pumping units, power plants, and other installations.
The apparatus БУШД-М1 is made as a monoblock. The communication with a stepper motor, a power supply, and a feedback sensor is established through the connector 2PM.
The block БУШД-М1 allows dispensers to communicate with electronic digital controls of the lower and upper levels of the object. The dispenser and the block form a tracking drive with feedback. When the control current varies from 4 to 20 mA, the block with the help of the stepper motor moves the needle of the dispenser from full opening to full closure.
The complect of assembly parts (connectors) for creating cables or a set of ready cables is supplied at the request of the client.