Open vacancies of JSC Izmeritel as of August 1, 2018

The current vacancies as of August 1, 2018, are presented on the official website of JSC Izmeritel.

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Open vacancies of JSC Izmeritel as of August 1, 2018

The following vacancies as of August 1, 2018, are open in JSC Izmeritel:

  1. The Head of the assembly production  
  2. A mechanical engineer
  3. locksmith of mechanical assembly work
  4. An installer of radio-electronic equipment and devices
  5. fitter-collector of radio-electronic equipment and devices
  6. An operator of machine tools with program control

If you click on the relevant link with the vacancy, you will get reliable information about payment and working conditions. Become a part of the team of JSC Izmeritel!